Feed the snake

Friday, June 27, 2008

5th of july asociation tournament

Next in line, asociation tournament, a good chance to see if I can beat Antoni,Pieter and Niels.
Its bin a while since I fought a Gi tournament, and it wil be a good lesson.

Also, teaching BJJ at MMA-Rotterdam is a lot of fun,but its stil a very smal class.
Hope it fills up in time.

When I was scroling around on the web, I found some easy tool to download youtube vids, so I can finaly post some new vids of myself at tournements and some other shizzle.
Here they come:P

Antoni KoĆ­ng Sanchezzz(because it such a nice KO)

My first open weight fight at zona no-gi, at brazilian speeds:P

This was a real Bitch of a fight, and my greatest weaknes is clear here, takingdown an opponent.
Besides that, fighters in Holland tend to stall the shit out of you!