Feed the snake

Monday, February 2, 2009

Tournaments comming

Its almost time again for the first competitions this year!

And I'm really looking forward to it, especialy because I could not fight in the European Championships.

The first one comming up will be the watterland cup, wich is nothing more then the anual Rickson Gracie Holland tournament, and will be a Poul competition.

Meaning you can always fight atleast 5 matches.

This wil make a great warmup and test for my skills,because the weekend after that on 15 Feb, the Amsterdam open will be held again, and I would like to prolonge my winningstreak at the Amsterdam tournaments.(I won the last 3 championships I fought there.)

Besides that, in March the new Zona no Gi challenge will be held,and I also want to aim my aerows on that prize as well.

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