Feed the snake

Saturday, February 23, 2008

Victory! Sort of..

Won second place in the Holland Gi challenge!
And I'm pretty happy about it,especialy because it went so wel.

-The first match posed no major problem, the guy(blue belt) was a little bigger then me, and seemd to have better standup skills, so I chose to just sit down and buttscoop him into fighting my guard.
My open guard is my strongest point by far! So after he treid to pas me by going under one leg, I got him in a traingle and could choke him from mounted traingle position...Win number one under a minute!

-Second match was much tougher, a frenceman(blue belt) with a lot of stamina just kept on moving and running around, he didnt realy put me in trouble, but I had a really hard time to keep him down! I ended up winning the match 14-02, but it was a hard fought victory.

-third match was an awaited rematch with Daniel(purple belt) from Carlson Gracie acadamie, after a big lose to him last year(7-2 or something) I really wanted to see if I had improved enough to beat him!
We got it to the ground pretty quick and after I almost past his guard he try'd to move away and I was able to take his back, and after a short cut checkup he needed for his Chin I could choke him out in the first 2 minutes, Win by KO.

-Fourth and final match was against Christof Deferme(purple belt?), a fighter I look at with respect, and I guess that played a part in our fight, because I was really carefull not to make mistakes.
Sadly for me, he got the sweep and mount,after wich I chose the wrong strategy by trying an armcontrole and upa,but I should have gone for simple Ebi,but in all cases he choked me with the Ezecuel choke, and I was forced to tap.

Thus I won Silver, but I'm still pretty happy about it, because it was my first real tournament as a Blue belt and I finished Second, that could have gone far worse!

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